Going for a 6.30 am walk...

My little early bird...

Pictures of last week...

New steamer/puree machine... lots of carrots, beans and sweet potatoes

Mummy and Sunny taking an afternoon nap - soooo good :)

Best friends!

Sunday afternoon... it's all about Sunny

... at least the couch is still ours :)


We added a second row of padding to the crib so Sunny can play w/ Bugs and Big Bear.

Pictures of the Week...

Sunny's new "office"

We hang a mirror on the wall and the Commander is loving it!

It's avocado time... so tasty!

Sunny dicates the games!

Photos of the day...

Sunny loves Sweet Potatoes!

Action table in action!

Grandpa Eduardo created a colorful alphabet for Sunny's room :)