Shopping w/ Cutie...

Lots of photos from last week (s) :)

Sunny visited Mommy at work and we all went out for lunch!

Little poser ready (?) for her afternoon nap...


In the playpen


Daddy is handpicking the peas... only the best for Sunny :)

In the playpen it's the best!

Big smile :)

Playing in our bed.

Daddy and Sunny before she goes to bed for the night...

Chunky Monkey :)

I want to bite in these legs....

Tante Andy and Sunny are becoming friends :)

She loves her daily walks...

This morning she didn't even need her socks...

Two more teeth arrived... now we got 6 :)

A little cooling helps...

Bath time is fun...

Well hello little chunky :)
That's right, I called you chunky :)
Uih, so bald back then...

Slurp slurp

Sunny learned how to drink out of a Sippy Cup :)